卷 9, 编号 2 (2018)


Specifics of outpatient follow-up and assessment of patients with the history of acute stroke depending of the profile of cardiovascular comorbidity according to the data of the outpatient registry REGION

Vorobyev A., Loukyanov M., Yakushin S., Martsevich S., Kozminsky A., Moseychuk K., Pereverzeva K., Pravkina E., Zagrebelnyy A., Drapkina O., Boytsov S.


Aim. To study the specifics of follow-up, instrumental and laboratory assessment of patients with a history of acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA), taking cardiovascular comorbidity into account. Material and methods. Within the outpatient phase of the REGION study, a register of patients with a history of ACVA of any remoteness (ACVA-AR registry, n=511), and the register of patients who had visited the outpatient clinic for the first time after cerebral stroke (ACVA-FV, n=475) were organized. The analysis of specifics of outpatient follow-up of patients during the last 12 months prior to the reference visit in the ACVA-AR registry and in the first 6 months after the reference visit in the ACVA-FV registry, depending on diagnosed concomitant cardiovascular diseases and their complications, conditions and the fact of being under dispensary observation was done. Results. During the analyzed period of follow-up in the outpatient clinic, the patients were most often examined by district therapeutists (ACVA-AR - 81.4%, ACVA-FV - 91.6%). Patients in the ACVA-AR registry had a statistically significantly higher incidence of electrocardiography, echocardiography and blood creatinine and total cholesterol results in patients with a history of myocardial infarction comparing to those who hadn’t myocardial infarction, as well as in a subset of patients who visited the clinic in comparison with those who were observed at home. Patients of the ACVA-FV registry were statistically significantly more often examined by doctors and had basic laboratory and instrumental examination methods done (except echocardiography) compared to those who were observed at home. The frequency of medical examinations, as well as the performance of instrumental and laboratory methods, was statistically significantly higher in the ACVA-FV register as a whole and in all analyzed groups comparing to the ACVA-AR registry, except for a subgroup of patients with a history of ACVA. Сonclusion. The quality of the examination of patients with a history of ACVA in the outpatient practice is inadequate; nevertheless, a comparison of the results of the ACVA-AR and ACVA-FV registers allows one to speak of its significant positive dynamics over the period of 2.3 years, which separated the reference visits in these registers.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):5-11
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Prevalence and character of sleep-disordered breathing in ischemic stroke

Fonyakin A., Geraskina L., Maksimova M., Lutokhin G.


78 patients with acute ischemic stroke in the first 5 days of the disease и 20 patients with chronic cerebrovascular diseases - dyscirculatory encephalopathy and residual stage of ischemic stroke, had examined with cardiorespiratory monitoring. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) was detected in 88% of patients with ischemic stroke, including obstructive (87% of patients) and central (13% of patients) type. In half of the stroke patients, SDB was moderate and severe. The development of central sleep apnea is associated with the severity of acute neurologic symptoms.
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):12-16
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Evaluation of long-term outcomes following acute coronary syndrome in the clinical practice: results of the 5-year follow-up

Skopets I., Vezikova N., Barysheva O., Malafeev A., Malygin A., Leontyev A., Ispravnikova A.


The article presents the results of the 5-years follow-up for the patients who had acute coronary syndrome. The results of the hospital treatment were demonstrated. In addition, the study showed the adherence to the therapy, long-term consequences and clinical outcomes following acute coronary syndrome in the clinical practice in the Republic of Karelia
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):17-23
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New tendencies in the treatment of diabetic and cardiovascular diseases: a view of cardiologists

Bondarenko I., Bubnova M.


The presented review discusses the modern tactics of treating patients with sugar type 2 diabetes The results of a large international placebo-controlled randomized clinical study EMPA-REG OUTCOME using empagliflozin selective inhibitor of sodium-dependent glucose transporter type 2. This drug was the first hypoglycemic drug that proved not only on the safety of cardiovascular effects, but also on the significant positive cardioprotective effect in patients with type 2 diabetes. Presented by indications for its purpose in clinical practice
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):24-30
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Latent autoimmune diabetes - a diabetes mellitus 1,5 type?

Khachaturyan N.


Currently, one of the variants of the current autoimmune diabetes mellitus is widely studied - it is a slowly progressing autoimmune diabetes of adults (latent autoimmune diabetes of adults, LADA). It is accompanied by an atypical clinical picture for both classical type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2. Despite the presence of positive autoantibodies, LADA is characterized by a slow rate of autoimmune destruction, and therefore the need for insulin therapy does not appear immediately. In the proposed article, we tried to figure out which type of sugar diabetes by its course LADA is closer. Also, the role of self-monitoring of glycemia in patients with LADA is highlighted
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):31-35
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The use of B vitamins in the treatment of polyneuropathy of different genesis

Pilipovich A.


Deficiency of B vitamins takes part in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases central and peripheral nervous system. The vitamins of this group are among the the most commonly used drugs in neurology. A widely known indication for the appointment of vitamins of group B is a pain syndrome in neuropathies, that they have their own analgesic effect. A lot of experience has been accumulated clinical application of B vitamins and their clinical effectiveness: more than 100 studies were conducted on both the individual and joint use of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 and their combination with analgesics in the complex therapy of pain syndrome. The article summarizes the data of experimental works and clinical studies of the effectiveness of vitamin B group therapy for peripheral nervous system and pain syndrome, as well as a clinical case of therapy аlcoholic polyneuropathy with injectable drug Neuromultivit
CardioSomatics. 2018;9(2):36-42
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