卷 8, 编号 3 (2017)


Current state and problems of cardio rehabilitation in Russia

Aronov D., Kozlova L., Bubnova M.


The article is devoted to the problem of organizing cardio rehabilitation in the Russian Federation. The results of clinical studies and meta-analyzes assessing the clinical effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation are presented. The advantages of cardiac rehabilitation, both clinical and economic, are indicated. The problems of slow pace of organization of the cardio rehabilitation infrastructure in the country are analyzed.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Organization of specialized medical care for patients with chronic heart failure

Fomin I., Vinogradova N.


Relevance. Data from epidemiological studies indicate an increase in the number of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) in the Russian Federation over the past 18 years. The worsening of the prognosis in patients with CHF after the episode of acute heart failure decompensation (AHFD) requires changes in the tactics of treatment and rehabilitation of patients on an outpatient basis. The goal is to identify the differences in the two strategies for monitoring patients with CHF after AHFD and determine the effectiveness of treatment, rehabilitation and life expectancy, depending on the observation of a specialized urban center for the treatment of CHF (CCHF) and real outpatient practice in the system. Materials and methods. The study included 648 patients with CHF of any etiology older than 18 years. The first group consisted of 412 patients with CHF who were observed for AHFD in the stationary department of the CCHF and, after discharge, continued rehabilitation in the outpatient department of the CCHF; the 2 nd - 236 patients with CHF who, after discharge for AHFD from the department of the CCHF, preferred observation in outpatient clinics in Nizhny Novgorod. Results. After one year of follow-up, the overall mortality rate in the 1st group was 4.13%, and in the second group it was 14.83% (odds ratio 4.0, 95% confidence interval 2.2-7.4, p<0.001 ). Physical activity and rehabilitation potential among patients who were observed in the department of urban CCHD was significantly higher than among patients who were treated in outpatient clinics. The conclusion. Changing the organization of medical care for patients with CHF, especially high grades after AHFD, not only leads to an improvement in the life expectancy and significantly increases the rehabilitation potential during the year of observation in the city's CCHF, which is economically advantageous due to a reduction in the number of hospitalizations for repeated CHF decompensations.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Tolerance to physical activity and mental performance of patients in the second stage of rehabilitation after aortocoronary bypass surgery

Aleksandrov P., Perepech N., Misiura O.


The article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the restoration of physical activity tolerance (PAT), cognitive functions and mental performance (MP) in patients who completed the program of cardiac rehabilitation after aortocoronary bypass surgery. The results of the study showed that for the majority of patients before inclusion in the program of cardioresistance, PAT and MP indicators were reduced, mild and moderate cognitive impairment was detected. At the end of the rehabilitation program, the normalization of PAT was noted in 80% of patients, there were no signs of cognitive impairment in 60% of patients. The indicators of MP corresponded to the norm in the majority of those surveyed. Thus, the majority of patients who completed the program of cardiac rehabilitation II stage after aortocoronary shunting achieved restoration of cognitive functions, MP and physical performance.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Quality of life after surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation

Bazylev V., Nemchenko E., Abramova G., Karnakhin V.


Aim - to evaluate quality of life (QOL) of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) after surgical treatment of arrhythmia during open heart surgery. Materials and methods. The retrospective single-center randomized study involved 71 patients whose QOL was analyzed after the Cox-Maze IV surgery and mitral valve correction. The follow-up period was from 6 months to 6 years. The study included 35 (49%) women and 36 (51%) men, whose average age was 61±12.3 at the time of surgical treatment. AF duration was 47.6±22.3 months. The left atrium was dilated to 60.9±10.5 mm. Functional class II of heart failure (NYHA) included 25 patients (35%), functional class III - 46 patients (65%). The control group included 48 patients with AF who had not got the ‘labyrinth’ procedure performed during the surgical treatment. There were no statistically significant differences between the main clinical and demographic characteristics in reference to the groups. All patients had a long-term persistent AF. The SF-36 questionnaire was used for studying QOL. Results. 47 (66%) patients in the experimental group kept a sinus rhythm within 6 years. The patients of the RFA-group had a higher rate of vitality (NBS VT 54.5±8.2, p=0.03, SBS VT 54.1±8.5, p=0.001) and social functioning (SBS SF 45.0±10.2, p=0.001), with regard to other scales there were no statistically significant differences. The presence of AF after surgical treatment increased the probability of a low QOL in the long term. Conclusions. QOL after surgical treatment of mitral valve disease and AF is significantly higher with regard to vitality and social functioning. The physical component of health is significantly reduced as compared with that in the general population, but the characteristics of QOL in accordance with other scales approach the general indices. The presence of AF after surgical treatment increases the probability of a lower QOL in the long term.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chronic heart failure: what the therapist of the outpatient health care unit should know (according to the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure in 2016)

Larina V., Chukaeva I., Bubnova M.


In the article, the main provisions of the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology and the Association for Heart Failure 2016 are presented in the abstract. The new classification is presented, the approaches to diagnostics and pharmacological treatment of chronic heart failure are highlighted, attention is paid to the prevention of development of clinically significant heart failure and multidisciplinary approach in managing patients with this pathology.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):29-38
pages 29-38 views

Modern opportunities for lifestyle changes and statin therapy in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Bubnova M.


The presented review concerns the problem of lifestyle changes in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The results of studies highlighting the positive effects of quitting smoking, controlling blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol on the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases and their complications are highlighted. Attention is paid to the principles of the formation of a healthy diet and increased physical activity. The principles of prescribing statins with different categories of cardiovascular risk of the patient with emphasis on the new statin - pitavastatin are indicated.
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):39-4
pages 39-4 views

Impact of drug therapy on the risk of death in patients with coronary heart disease (according to the data of registry of cardiovascular diseases, RECVASA)

Pereverzeva K., Yakushin S., Vorobyev A., Lukyanov M., Andreyenko E., Zagrebelny A., Deev A.


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of the drug therapy assigned at the index visit on the risk of fatal outcome in outpatients with coronary heart disease within 24 months from the index visit, based on the data of registry of cardiovascular diseases (RECVASA). Follow-up feedback was 97.4%, the survival rate - 90.6%. The study found that the prescribing of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or ACE inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers II (ARB) was associated with reduction of all-cause mortality by 1.6 times (p=0.016) and 2.0 times (p=0.006), respectively, statins - by 1.6 times (p=0.038). The risk of death from cardiovascular causes in the case of prescribing of ACE inhibitors or ACE inhibitors/ARBs decreased by 2.1 times (p=0.0008) and 2.3 times (p=0.0008), respectively, statins - by 1,7 times (p=0.048).
CardioSomatics. 2017;8(3):49-53
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