
Tasks and Prospects for the Development of the Russian Construction Industry
Shembakov V.
Granite Crushing Screenings as a Component Factor in the Concrete Structure Formation. Part II: Experimental Studies of Structure-forming Potential
Makeev A.
Construction with Slate – Quick Solution to the Country’s Housing Problems
Nejman S., Punenkov S.
Modified Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Concrete for 3DCP
Mukhametrakhimov R., Rakhimov R., Galautdinov A., Ziganshina L.
Structure and Properties of Fine-Grained Concrete Based on Gypsum-Cement-Pozzolan Dry Mortars for 3DCP
Rakhimov R., Mukhametrakhimov R., Galautdinov A., Ziganshina L.
Geotechnical Practice of Construction on Unstable Slopes
Sokolov N.
Modeling of Accelerated Hardening of Self-Compacting Concrete by Methods of Mathematical Experiment Planning
Kastornykh L., Gikalo M., Kaklyugin A., Serebryanaya I., Kuzmenko D.
To Build Quickly, Profitably, and Efficiently Ensuring Russia’s Technological Sovereignty
Fotin O.
Analysis of the Properties of Asphalt Granulate as Raw Materials for Obtaining Organic Mineral Composites
Stepanenko M., Markova I., Lukyanenko N., Strokova V., Botsman L.
Evaluation of the Durability of Dry Mix Compositions Based on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement for 3D Printing
Shigapov R., Shagigalin G., Klyuev A., Bulatov B., Metlitskaya D., Nedoseko I.
Improvement of Shock Noise Insulation by Elastic Gaskets in Floating Floor Structures
Gradova O., Rogalev A.
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